सत्तासिनको अगाडि सत्य बोल्दा जेल चलान

अहमद मन्सुर एक मायालु पिता र पति हुन्। उनी कवि,  ब्लगर र मानवअधिकार रक्षक हुन्। अहिले उनी संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्सको अबु धाबीस्थित अल-सदर कारागरको कक्षमा थुनिएका छन्। किताब, कलम वा कापिको पहुँच बिना उनले एकान्त  कक्षमा आफ्ना दिनहरू बिताएका छन्। उनीसँग सुत्ने बिस्तारा पनि छैन ।

उनको अपराध ?   सत्तासिनका अघि सत्य बोलेको। गिरफ्तारी अघि अहमद देशको मानवअधिकार उल्लङ्घनको बारेमा विश्वसनीय र स्वतन्त्र जानकारी बाँकी विश्वलाई उपलब्ध गराउने युएई  भित्रका केही आवाजहरूमध्येका एक थिए। उनले बिमतिका आवाजहरू राख्ने विरुद्ध भएका थुना, यातना र अन्यायपूर्ण सुनुवाइका बारेमा नियमित रूपमा चासो व्यक्त गर्थे। उनले न्याय प्रणालीका समस्या र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानुनहरूको उल्लङ्घन गर्ने घरेलु कानुनका बारे आवाज उठाउँथे।

अहमदले यसका लागि ठूलो मूल्य चुकाउनुपरेको छ युएई सुरक्षा बलले सन् २०१७ मार्चमा उनको घरमा छापा मारेर उनलाई गिरफ्तार गरेको थियो। एक वर्षभन्दा बढी समयसम्म उनी कहाँ थुनिएका थिए भन्ने कुरा कसैलाई थाह थिएन। उनको परिवार समेतलाई थाहा थिएन। सन् २०१८ मेमा, अहमदलाई “युएई र यसका प्रतिकहरूको अपमान” सहितको आरोपमा एक दशकको जेल सजाय सुनाइएको थियो। आफ्नो कारागारको अवस्थाको बारेमा विरोध गर्दै अहमदले दुई पटक भोक हड्ताल गरेका छन् जसका कारण उनले डरलाग्दो मात्रामा तौल गुमाएका छन् र आफ्नो ज्यानै जोखिममा पारेका छन्। यसका बाबजुद पनि उनलाई हप्तामा तीन पटक मात्र बाहिर निस्कन दिइन्छ।  जब गार्डहरूले अन्य सबै कैदीहरूलाई प्राङ्गणबाट बाहिर निकाल्छन् त्यस समय अहमद सूर्यको प्रकाशमा थोरै समय एक्लै बिताउँछन्। 

Demand Freedom for Ahmed

President of the United Arab Emirates

c/o Embassy of the United Arab Emirates - Kathmandu
Lazimpat Road, Kathmandu

Your Highness,

I call on you to immediately and unconditionally release Ahmed Mansoor and to quash his sentence and conviction, as he has been imprisoned solely for his peaceful human rights activism.

Pending his release, he should be detained in conditions that comply with international standards and must not be subjected to torture or other ill-treatment. He must be granted immediate and regular access to his family and any healthcare he may require.

Yours sincerely,

%%your signature%%

12 signatures

Locked up for speaking truth to power 

Ahmed Mansoor is a loving father and husband. He’s a poet, blogger, and human rights defender. Right now, he is locked away in a cell in al-Sadr prison, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He spends his days in an isolation cell, with no access to books, pens or paper. He does not even have a bed.

His crime? Speaking the truth. Before his arrest, Ahmed was one of the few voices within the UAE providing the rest of the world with credible independent information about human rights violations in the country. He regularly raised concerns about the detention, torture and unfair trials of dissenting voices. He spoke about problems with the justice system and of domestic laws that breach international ones.

For this Ahmed is paying a high price. In March 2017, UAE security forces raided his home and arrested him. For over a year, no one, not even his family, knew where he was detained. In May 2018, Ahmed was sentenced to a decade in prison on charges including “insulting the UAE and its symbols”.

Protesting about his prison conditions, Ahmed has twice resorted to hunger strikes, losing dangerous amounts of weight and putting his life at risk. Despite this he is only allowed outside three times a week, when guards remove all other prisoners from the yard and Ahmed spends the little time he has in the sunlight, alone.     

Demand the UAE immediately and unconditionally release Ahmed Mansoor.