Demonstration on Beijing Olympic Campain on the Occasion of Chinese New Year

Amnesty International (AI) Nepal sent hundreds of new year post-cards calling Chinese authority to respect human rights in China. More than 1,000 cards sent to WU Banggou, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the occasion of Chinese new year in the first week of February.

Earlier, AI Nepal had collected signatures on the new year cards organizing various demonstrations in Nepal. Among others, a demonstration organized in Kathmandu on 6 February 2008 was remarkable one. Hundreds of human rights activists from various organizations, journalists, AI Members, youth and students took part in the demonstration. Participants of the program and other civilian signed post card calling Chinese authority to uphold the preservation of human dignity by ending detention without trail, upholding right to fair trail and ending execution in China.

In the lead up to the Beijing Olympics, Amnesty International has been campaigning for progress on four human rights issues which would be a major positive legacy for the Games. Specifically, progress on the death penalty, detention without trial, freedom of expression and the protection of human rights activists, would contribute to such a legacy.

Under the Beijing Olympic Campaign, Amnesty International (AI) Nepal has been holding different campaigning activities urging Chinese authority to ensure human rights issues are addressed before the Beijing Olympics that to be held in Beijing in 2008.
