रूसद्वारा युक्रेनमाथि गरिएको आक्रमणको विरोध गर्दा जेल सजाय

अलेक्सान्ड्राले (छोटकरीमा साशा) आफ्नो जीवनलाई सङ्गीत र कलाले भरिपूर्ण पारेकी  छन् । अनुकूल समयमा उनी पियानो, गितार, बाँसुरी लगायत सबै खाले बाजा बजाउन मन पराउँथिन् र सँगै बजाउन चाहने जो कोहीको लागि कार्यक्रमहरू आयोजना  गर्दथिन् ।  

रूसले युक्रेनमाथि गरेको हमलाबाट चिन्तित भएर उनले ३१ मार्च २०२२ मा यसको विरोध गरिन् । उनले सेन्ट पिटर्सबर्गको स्थानीय बजारमा राखिएको सामानको मूल्यको ट्यागहरूलाई हटाएर सानो टिपोट पत्र राखिदिइन् । उक्त टिपोटमा सयौं मानिसहरूले आश्रय लिइरहेका युक्रेनको मारिउपोलस्थित नाटक विद्यालयमा रूसले गरेको बम विष्फोटको बारेमा जानकारी राखिदिएकी थिइन् । 

प्रहरीले ११ अप्रिल २०२२ को बिहानै अलेक्सान्ड्रालाई “रूसी संघको सशस्त्र बलको प्रयोगको बारेमा जानीजानी गलत सूचना सार्वजनिक गरेको” आरोप लगाइ गिरफ्तार  गरे । यो नयाँ कानुन युक्रेन आक्रमणको आलोचना गर्ने रूसीहरूको प्रयास रोक्नको लागि मार्च २०२२ मा रूसी सरकारले हतारमा फौजदारी संहिताअन्तर्गत ल्याएको थियो । यस नयाँ फौजदारी कानुनअन्तर्गत यस अघि नै दर्जनौं व्यक्तिहरूलाई हिरासतमा राखिएको थियो ।  

अलेक्सान्ड्रालाई हिरासतमा एकदमै दयनीय अवस्थामा राखिएको छ । उनलाई ग्यास्ट्रिक जस्तो खालको कोलिआक भन्ने रोग छ र उनी धेरै जसो भोकभोकै बस्न बाध्य छिन् किनभने उनलाई आवश्यक ग्लुटेनबिनाको खाना हिरासतमा दिइएको छैन । दुर्भाग्यवश,  अलेक्सान्ड्रा र उनका बन्दी साथीहरूलाई हिरासतका कर्मचारीहरूद्वारा उत्पीडन पनि गरिएको छ । यदि दोषी प्रमाणित ठहरिए अलेक्सान्ड्राले १० वर्ष जेल सजाय भोग्नुपर्नेछ ।  

अलेक्सान्ड्रालाई चाँडो र बिनाशर्त रिहा गर्न रूसलाई आह्वान गरौँ ।

Release Aleksandra now


Dear Prosecutor,

I call on you to ensure the release of Aleksandra Skochilenko, who is being detained for criticizing Russia’s war against Ukraine. Everyone has a right to freely express their opinions, including Aleksandra. All charges against her must be dropped and she should immediately and unconditionally be released from prison.

I also call on you to ensure that, pending her release, Aleksandra is held in conditions that comply with international standards, and she has access to adequate healthcare as well as the food she needs in relation to her medical condition. Aleksandra must also be protected from harassment by detention centre employees and her cellmates.

Yours sincerely,

%%your signature%%

17 signatures

Jailed for opposing Russian aggression against Ukraine

Aleksandra Skochilenko shared information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now she is detained in a Russian jail, held in terrible conditions, and facing up to a decade in prison. Take action now and demand her release.

Aleksandra fills her life with music and art. She loves playing the piano, guitar, mandolin, and flute, and hosting jams for anyone who wants to play music together.

Troubled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, she decided to do something. On 31 March 2022 she replaced price tags in a local supermarket in Saint Petersburg with little paper labels containing information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In the early morning of 11 April 2022, police arrested Aleksandra and charged her with “public dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”: a new Article of the Criminal Code hastily introduced by the Russian government in March 2022 to try and stop Russian people criticizing the invasion of Ukraine. Dozens of people have already been detained under this new “offence”.

Aleksandra has been held in detention ever since, harassed by staff and cellmates alike. She has coeliac disease and cannot eat any gluten, or she will be extremely ill. Since the detention centre does not provide her with food she can safely eat, she is forced to go hungry much of the time. If convicted, Aleksandra faces up to 10 years in prison.

Take action and call for Aleksandra’s release now!